Tuesday, May 15, 2018

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Steel and concrete are the most popular choices for modern bridge construction. Other materials include wood, iron a different type of steel, plastic and stone. Before the availability of steel and concrete, most bridges were made of wood, rope and/or stone.Triangles make for a strong structure because the work off compression and tension. Triangles on the harbour bridge are in the arch because the arch need to be strong in order to keep the bridge up and carry the load.Bridges are crucial transportation links that carry road and rail traffic across rivers, gorges or other roads. When a bridge collapses or closes for repairs, it can cause massive traffic problems or strand people altogether, if they live on an island.Search for: Why do bridge collapse What is the bridge that can hold the most weight.The arch bridge can hold the most weight of the three, the deck truss bridge can hold an average amount of weight, and the beam bridge could hold the least amount of weight. This experiment tested the arch, deck truss, and beam bridges to see which could hold the heaviest amount of weight.Which Type of Bridge Can Hold the Heaviest Load Search for: What is the bridge that can hold the most weight What is the most expensive bridge in the world What are three forces that act on a bridge.Forces that Act on Bridges.The other two are torsion twisting and shear.Search for: What are three forces that act on a bridge Which bridge can span the furthest.Currently, the Humber Bridge in England has the world’s longest center span—measuring 4,624 feet.The Harbour Bridge is strong because it has triangles. Triangles make for a strong structure because the work off compression and tension. Triangles on the harbour bridge are in the arch because the arch need to be strong in order to keep the bridge up and carry the load.

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