Friday, May 11, 2018

Compressive strength – CIVILENGINEERS

The slump test is a means of assessing the consistency of fresh concrete. It is used, indirectly, as a means of checking that the correct amount of water has been added to the mix. The test is carried out in accordance with BS EN 12350-2, Testing fresh concrete.The concrete slump test measures the consistency of fresh concrete before it sets. It is performed to check the workability of freshly made concrete, and therefore the ease with which concrete flows. It can also be used as an indicator of an improperly mixed batch.Simply defined, slump is a measure of the consistency of fresh concrete. The slump test is a very simple test. The slump cone is a right circular cone that is 12 inches high. The base of the cone is 8 inches in diameter and the top of the cone is 4 inches in diameter.High slump or “flowing” concrete mixes are economical ready mix products that allow maximum flowability without sacrificing strength by adding water at the jobsite. These high slump, high strength properties are attained through the use of high range water reducing admixtures (superplasticizers).The slump test is a means of assessing the consistency of fresh concrete. It is used, indirectly, as a means of checking that the correct amount of water has been added to the mix. The test is carried out in accordance with BS EN 12350-2, Testing fresh concrete.A concrete is said to be workable if it is easily transported, placed, compacted and finished without any segregation. Workability is a property of freshly mixed concrete, and a concrete is a mixture of cement, aggregate, water & admixture.Compressive strength or compression strength is the capacity of a material or structure to withstand loads tending to reduce size, as opposed to tensile strength, which withstands loads tending to elongate. Compressive strength is a key value for design of structures.

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